- School Information
- Student Information
- Student Health
- Staff Management
- Scheduling
- Attendance
- Grading
- General
- À la carte Addition
- Advanced Features
- District/Enterprise Features
School Information
- School dashboard displaying key information
- School data entry fields with unlimited custom fields
- WASH - water, sanitation and hygiene information
- School address entry with automatic Google maps integration
- Marking periods - full year, semester, quarter, trimester, custom date range
- Marking period grade posting begin and end dates to control teacher grading window
- Summer school set up outside regular academic school dates
- Calendar with events entry - unlimited calendars supported with superimposed view of all events from all calendars
- Calendar with bell schedule entry (e.g: A-day, B-day entries)
- Calendar views - month, week, day and event views
- Notice and announcement management with WYSIWYG editor
- Mental health information management with WYSIWYG editor
- Notices and mental health information display controlled by profile and date range
- Course manager - program, subject, course and course section management
- Course catalog - searchable and filtered by marking period, subject, course and grade level
- Pedagogical process management
- Learning outcome management
- Period setup with automatic full-day and half-day calculation
- Grade level setup with standardized grade level equivalency mapping and next grade level transition entry
- Sections for student cohort management
- Rooms - physical classroom details with capacity management
- Date format and timezone settings
- login failure allowance - before a user gets deactivated
- User inactivity days allowance - before a user gets deactivated
- List of values (LOV) management
- RBAC - role based access control, profile management with ability to create custom profiles
- User permissions management - menu and sub-menu level read-write control for every profile
- Copy school feature to use one school as a template to add multiple similar schools in the system
- End-of-the-year processing with system rollover and student progression
- System access log
- Various data export in Excel formats
- Various canned and custom school reports
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Student Information
- Student information management with rich data capture out of the box
- Unlimited student custom categories and fields entry
- Identification information with multiple student ID number capture
- Salutation/prefix and suffix information capture
- Student photo upload capability
- Photo ID card badge generation with bar and QR codes, printable on Avery card stock
- Social security number capture with data masking
- Demographic information capture with gender, race, ethnicity, DOB, marital status, nationality and languages
- Portal access with password settings by students
- Self-service password changing with password creation rule enforcement
- On-demand portal access disablement for a particular student
- Enrollment with rolling-retention option for yearly progression
- Cohort information capture
- Estimated graduation date capture
- Impairment identification - 504 eligibility indicator
- Economic disadvantage indicator
- Free lunch eligibility indicator
- Special Education (SpEd) enrollment indicator
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP) indicator
- Multiple school enrollment option
- Enrollment history with drop, add and transfer details
- School transfer with school lookup and student data transfer
- Home and mailing address capture with automatic Google maps integration
- Personal contact information capture with multiple emails, phones and social media handles
- Unlimited family member record entry
- Legal custody and/or custodial parent indicator
- Family member portal access control
- Sibling grouping for multiple students within same school district or management account
- Files and documents cabinet for each student
- Multi-user internal comments entry on students
- Mass update student information facility
- Student re-enrollment option for dropped and graduated students
- Bulk student data import from auto generated Excel template
- CRM like functionality with notes, phone calls and meeting activities capture
- Email, app and system based communication with staff
- Student search via free form search
- Advanced search on all system and custom fields
- Saving advanced search as filters with reloading capability
- Student information display in grid view with column on-off capability
- Student data edit history
- Student impersonation ability by administrators
- Various canned and custom student reports
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Student Heath
- Primary care physician's name
- Primary care physician's phone number
- Health insurance company's name
- Health insurance company's phone number
- Policy numberPolicy holder's name
- Preferred medical facility name
- Preferred medical facility's phone number
- Dentist's name
- Dentist's phone number
- Eye doctor's name
- Eye doctor's phone number
- Student critical health alert capture
- Student critical alert display on student profile
- Doctor's notes Immunization and physical record with date
- In-school infirmary visit incident with nurse's notes
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Staff Management
- Staff information management with rich data capture out of the box
- Unlimited staff custom categories and fields entry
- Identification information with multiple staff ID number capture
- Salutation/prefix and suffix information capture
- Staff photo upload capability
- Social security number capture with data masking
- Demographic information capture with gender, race, ethnicity, DOB, marital status, nationality and languages
- Portal access with password settings by staff
- Self-service password changing with password creation rule enforcement
- On-demand portal access disablement for a particular staff
- Multiple school employment option
- Employment history with start and end dates
- Grade levels taught indicator
- Subjects taught indicator
- Home and mailing address capture with automatic Google maps integration
- Personal contact information capture with multiple emails, phones and social media handles
- Emergency contact information
- Files and documents cabinet for each student
- Teacher certification information capture
- Certification expiry indicator
- Email, app and system based communication with students and other staff members
- Staff search via free form search
- Advanced search on all system and custom fields
- Saving advanced search as filters with reloading capability
- Staff information display in grid view with column on-off capability
- Staff data edit history
- Staff impersonation ability by administrators
- Staff data report
- Attendance marking on behalf of Teachers by Admin
- Gradebook marking on behalf of Teachers by Admin
- Input final grades on behalf of Teachers by Admin
- Input Standards and Effort grades on behalf of Homeroom Teachers by Admin
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- Traditional fixed scheduling
- Variable day-period-time scheduling
- Calendar day based scheduling, e.g. special course that meets on random days based on demand and supply
- Custom date range scheduling - not following school marking period dates
- Year-round school schedules including Summer Term
- Block scheduling - 4x4, alternate day block, trimester, or three 12-week terms, and skinnies
- Up to a 20 day rotating schedule (student attends class once in a 20 school day time period)
- Mosaic scheduling - combination of traditional and block schedules but a variation of time/period lengths are assigned to each class over the days of the cycle
- Walk-in scheduling students into one or more course sections
- Group scheduling students into one or more course sections
- Group scheduling teachers into one or more course sections
- Group drop students from one or more course sections
- Deletion of schedule for one or more students from one or more course sections
- Teacher reassignment from one course section to another
- Student, parent course enrollment requests
- Course enrollment requests capture by staff on behalf of students
- Team teaching - two or more teachers of the same subject teach together
- Interdisciplinary team teaching: two or more teachers form a team and work together to coordinate teaching in three-to-five subjects
- Scheduling of part time staff and teaching staff that is shared with other schools Summer school scheduling without affecting scheduling for the regular school year
- Students that are classified as home-schooled students to take one or more courses in the school
- Home-schooled students scheduled into courses to show up in teacher's gradebook and facilitate the taking of class attendance and record grades similarly to full time students
- Scheduling to before or after school programs that are not part of the normal school day to be scheduled to enable student class attendance to be taken and reported upon
- Allows scheduling a student into more than one course at the same time - ignoring conflicts
- Allows teachers to be assigned to multiple sections in the same period - ignoring conflicts
- Provides school-based staff the ability to easily identify open periods for students and staff for scheduling purposes
- Required and elective course distinctions
- Allows courses to be defined by track, for example Honors, AP, college
- Allows courses to have different start times and time duration for different days of the week or periods/sections
- Ability to create multi period course sections
- Various canned scheduling reports
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- Unlimited attendance code creations
- Default attendance code identification, e.g by default every student will be "Present" in class
- Unlimited attendance category creation and association with course sections
- Attendance entry restriction to office and staff based on specific attendance code
- Excused, unexcused and tardy attendance markings
- Attendance comments entry by teachers
- Ability to override teacher's attendance
- Attendance override comments entry by administrators
- Ability to take attendance in advance for the day, before teacher comes in
- Ability to mark absences, out of school excused absences in advance before teacher takes attendance
- Ability to view missing attendance of teachers and take attendance on behalf of teachers
- Ability to take attendance for every period in a day
- Ability to take attendance for home-room only and define full day minutes accordingly
- Ability to take attendance for a whole class in one click
- Automatic calculation of Day Absence based upon state and district rules that indicates that a student will be considered absent for the school day if absent for more than the required minutes
- Attendance recalculation based on full-day and half-day minutes adjustments
- Various canned attendance reports
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- Report card grade scale management with multiple grade scale entry
- Report card comments - canned comments and teacher comments entry
- Honor roll management based on grade scoring
- Standard based grading - US common core and school specific standards management
- Efforts and performance based grading
- Letter grading based on break-off score
- Percentage based grading
- Allowable anomalous grading
- Weighted grade scale based grade entry
- Teacher's own grade scale based grade entry
- Grades calculation based on gradebook configuration at the course section level
- Grades calculation based on weightage
- Multi term grades calculation based on percentage allocation to each term in gradebook configuration
- Exam grades marking and automatic calculation into report card final grades
- Progress reports showing raw score as well as weighted score at any any given time
- Assignment exemption for students
- Grades score rounding to up, down or none
- Unlimited assignment type creation and weighting to 100%
- Unlimited assignment creation
- One click report card and transcript generation from gradebook grades
- Historical grades entry and GPA calculation
- Report Cards with GPA
- Transcripts
- Various canned grade reports
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- Custom school based subdomain
- User login with remember-me option
- Strong password creation rule enforcement
- Password retrieval and resetting option
- Multi lingual system in English, French and Spanish with any language pack availability on request
- Support portal access within system
- Support video access within system
- Support ticket access within system
- Multi-channel information and support services including phone, email, WhatsApp and social media channels
- Responsive design, usable with phones, tablets, laptops and desktops on any size
- Strong data privacy, FERPA and GDPR compliant
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À la carte Addition
- LMS - Moodle integration
- SSO - Microsoft 365 integration
- Mobile app - Android and iOS
- QuickStart - guided onboarding and training by a specialist
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Advanced Features
- Admissions and applicant processing
- Teacher lesson plan
- Billing and fees
- Discipline management
- Multi channel communication
- Graduation requirement and progress/Degree audit
- Library management
- Wordpress integration
- Shopify integration
- SSO with Google, O365, OAuth
- CRM integration
- LMS integration
- Built-in analytics
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District/Enterprise Features
- State reporting
- Advanced reporting with custom reports
- District dashboard
- Data warehouse and business intelligence
- Custom integrations
- Custom modules
- White label
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